关键词:php mysql 物流,
Abstract:With the rapid development of market economy, manufacturing, and commercial enterprises to gradually accept third-party logistics services. More and more companies recognize that the logistics companies outsourcing to reduce costs, improve service level of an effective channel. Logistics management is characterized by the customer, build customer-facing business processes to support various forms of the diverse needs of enterprise business model. The system supports various forms of customer data sharing, improve operational efficiency, and monitor the entire process, full of goods, order tracking, and special attention to the monitoring of various aspects of business monitoring and exceptions.
This paper first introduces the feasibility and utility of the system, and the advantages of the system requirements and PHP; followed by the functional design and database design, analysis, and design used in this system based on mysql database the data table structure; and then a detailed design of the system functional modules; Finally, sum up for the lack of code optimization and encryption to make.
目 录
引 言 2
第1章 绪论 3
1.1系统设计的目标和思想 3
1.1.1系统设计的目标 3
1.1.2系统设计的思想 3
1.2系统设计的目的 4
1.3系统设计的意义 4
1.4系统的开发环境 4
1.4.1开发工具与环境 4
1.4.2软硬件平台选择 5
1.5系统设计的方法和技术 5
第二章 理论基础知识介绍 5
2.1 PHP技术 6
2.1.1 PHP简介 6
2.1.2 PHP安装 7
2.2 MYSQL 简介 8
2.2.1 MySQL 简介 8
2.1.2 数据库引擎 10
2.3 APACHE简介 10
第3章 系统分析 11
3.1可行性分析 11
3.1.1 经济可行性 11
3.1.2 技术可行性 12
3.1.3 小结 12
3.2 系统功能分析 12
3.3 数据库的需求分析 13
3.4 数据来源 13
第4章 系统的设计与实现 13
4.1 概要设计 13
4.1.1 系统的总体结构设计 13
4.1.2 系统的模块设计 14
4.1.3 数据库结构设计 15
4.2 系统的实现 15
4.2.1 后台功能模块的实现 15
4.2.2 数据库的实现 19
4.3 源代码的设计 19
第5章 软件测试 22
5.1 黑盒测试和白盒测试 22
5.2 本系统的黑盒测试 23
总 结 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26
引 言