摘 要
【关键词】 学生信息管理系统 选课系统 ASP.NET SQL Server 2005
With the popularity of Internet, more and more schools to set up their own Web site, including the student information management system is composed of students an important part of the site. At the same time, the number of college students with increasing educational system, the amount of data is also constantly rising. For student information management this one link, this system in the student information management and student information query two major aspects of the design, the basic achievement of the students in online information, course, students information of master, input student achievement and school administrators of the curriculum management information, for students and teachers information management and other functions. This system through the use of ASP.NET technology to achieve dynamic webpage effect, combined with ADO.NET technology to realize the interaction with the database. System in the ASP.net environment using a" top-down in the overall planning, from the bottom of Shangdi application development" strategy to develop a management information system process. Through the analysis of a school student management insufficiency, founded a set of effective management of student computer programs.
This thesis is divided into six chapters. First of all, is the development of the system of general description, including the background and the significance, introduced the development of the system to use the related technology; secondly, is the system for further analysis, the system's feasibility and needs to do a comprehensive analysis of research; again, the overall design and implementation, and in the detailed design given the system realize after the part of the picture; finally, is the author of on the development of the system made summary.
【Key words】student information management system course system ASP.NET SQL Server 2005
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 选题背景和意义 1
第二节 国内外研究概况 1
第三节 本文研究的主要问题 2
第二章 相关技术介绍 4
第一节 ASP.NET简介 4
一、什么是ASP.NET 4
二、ASP.NET技术优势 4
第二节 其他技术介绍 6
一、.NET Framework 6
二、C#语言 7
第三节 三层架构 9
第三章 软件可行性研究及其需求分析 10
第一节 可行性研究 10
一、技术可行性 10
二、经济可行性 11
三、操作可行性 11
第二节 需求分析 12
一、理解需求 12
二、需求分析 13
三、软件需求 13
四、硬件需求 14
第四章 系统总体设计与实现 15
第一节 系统数据流程分析 15
第二节 系统概要设计 17
第三节 数据库结构设计 18
第五章 系统详细设计 22
第一节 用户登陆 22
第二节 学生信息管理模块 24
第三节 课程管理模块设计 26
第四节 成绩管理模块设计 27
第六章 总结 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33
第一章 绪论
第一节 选题背景和意义
从技术角度上讲,各种开发工具已日趋成熟。随着互联网的普及,开发基于互联网络的学生信息管理系统己不再困难。首先,由于开发工具尤其是在.NET家族中的ASP.NET出现后,使得开发基于互联网的学生信息管理系统变得简单易行;其次,SQL Server己成为世界上最流行的数据库管理系统。同时,.NET家族中ADO.NET对各种数据库提供了全面的支持,使得对SQL Server的操作变的更简单、更高效。基于以上的原因和背景,开发一套基于互联网的学校学生信息管理系统是必要和可行的。