在如今的生活中,Internet的普及已经影响了传统的交流方式,成为我们日常生活的一个新的载体,电子商务这种新的商务模式也随之产生。电子商务是一种依托现代信息技术和网络技术,集金融电子化、管理信息化、商贸信息网络化为一体,旨在实现物流、资金流与信息流和谐统一的新贸易形式。网上书店是近年来随着电子商务的发展而产生的一种新型的书店形式。与传统书店相比,网络购书不再受时间和地域的限制,在世界各地都可以达到随时随地、足不出户的购买书籍,既可以大大减少图书销售中的营销成本,还节省了大量人力、物力和时间,极大地提高了工作效率和人们获取新信息、新技术、新知识的速度。近几年来,ASP.NET这项技术已经被电子商务这种形势广泛应用,成为了开发相关系统的首选标准,利用ASP.NET结合SQL SERVER的方式开发出来的商务系统具有较高的灵活性,稳定性和可扩展性。
本文从构建一个基于ASP.NET的网络购书系统入手,首先对系统的可行性进行了分析,然后阐述了系统的设计思想、设计目标与系统的整体结构,在此基础上将上述理论知识与开发技术运用到系统的实现过程当中,完成了网上书店的构建过程。该系统在结构上由前台和后台组成,使用不同的管理机制,实现B2C(商家对客户)的交易形式。在前台,提供了书籍分类、幻灯头条推荐、书籍搜索、会员登录、注册、购买、支付等功能,并提供灵活的购物车系统,在后台,为系统管理员提供了图书信息管理、订单管理、员工管理功能,作为管理员类别的不同,将其限制为只能使用其中某一部分功能,提高了管理的分工协作和效率。程序方面,由ASP.NET(C#语言)结合MS SQL SERVER 2005搭建出基础的平台,在整个布局方面严格使用DIV+CSS的布局形式,部分功能由JAVASCRIP和AJAX异步传输技术呈现,从而使整个系统更规范、美观和健壮
关键词 :电子商务,网络购物,ASP.NET
In today's life,Internet's popularity has affected the traditional means of communication.Of our daily lives to a new carrier,The new e-commerce business model also will produce.E-commerce is based on modern information technology and network technology.Set of financial electronic, management information, business information networks into one, aimed at logistics, capital flow and information flow of harmony and unity of the new form of trade.Online bookstore with the development of electronic commerce in recent years generated a new type of book form. Compared with traditional bookstores, Internet textbook no longer subject to time and geographical constraints, can reach anywhere around the world, staying at home and the purchase of books, it will greatly reduce the cost of book sales in the marketing, but also saves a lot of human, material and time, greatly improve the efficiency and people's access to new information, new technologies, new knowledge and speed. In recent years, ASP.NET This technology has been widely used in this situation, e-commerce, systems development has become the preferred standard, the way ASP.NET SQL SERVER combination developed business system has high flexibility stability and scalability.
This paper builds a system based on ASP.NET Web textbook start, first analyzed the feasibility of the system, then describes the system design, design goals and structure of the system, on this basis will be the theoretical knowledge and development of technology to the System process, completed the process of building online bookstore. The structure of the system composed by the foreground and background, using different management mechanism, to B2C (business-to-customer) transactions form. In the foreground, providing books, classified, slide headline recommendation, book search, member login, registration, purchase, payment and other functions, and provides a flexible shopping cart system, in the background, the book provides system administrators with information management, order management , staff management, as administrators of different categories, be limited to using any part of it, improve the management of the division of work and efficiency. Procedures from ASP.NET (C # language) combined with MS SQL SERVER 2005-based platform built out, the whole layout using DIV + CSS strict layout of the form of some functions from the JAVASCRIP and AJAX asynchronous transmission techniques presented, enabling the whole system more formal, elegant and robust
Keywords :E-commerce, online shopping, ASP.NET
摘要 I
前 言 1
第1章 绪论 2
1.1系统概述 2
1.2 选题背景 3
1.3开发的目的及意义 4
第2章 系统开发相关知识 6
2.1开发语言介绍 6
2.1.1 C# 6
2.1.2 SQL 7
2.1.3 HTML 7
2.1.4 DIV+CSS 8
2.2开发平台(ASP.NET)介绍 8
2.3开发工具介绍 11
2.3.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 11
2.3.2 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 12
2.3.3 Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 12
2.3.4 Adobe Photoshop CS4 13
第3章 13
3.1需求分析 13
3.2可行性分析 15
3.3系统模块设计 15
3.4系统流程设计 17
3.5系统数据库设计 20
3.5.1 数据库设计原则 20
3.5.2 数据库实体关系设计 20
3.5.3 数据表设计 22
第4章 系统的详细开发 22
4.1数据库的建立与连接 22
4.1.1 建立数据库 22
4.1.2 连接数据库 23
4.2系统主要模块设计及其代码 25
4.2.1 页面布局与设计 25
4.2.2 部分登录验证模块设计与实现 29
4.2.3 注册模块设计与实现 31
4.2.4 商品购买模块设计与实现 33
4.2.5 购物车模块设计与实现 35
4.2.6 前台订单管理模块设计与实现 36
4.2.7 后台商品管理模块设计与实现 38
第5章 总结 40
致 谢 41
参考文献 42
前 言