摘 要
In will it be information age now, quickening , life of speed, make people more and more to informationize , is it develop to digitize, the management information system (MIS ) is a collection , transmission , system stored , processed , maintained and used that be able to carry on information made up of person , computer ,etc., can replace a large amount of , miscellaneous and done by hand of the past . To a school, How utilize computer change each examination teacher count a large number of student strenuous task at the score? How dispel because time full of mistakes statistics produced closely? Designing student's achievement administrative system is a very good solution. This text, through writing student's achievement administrative system with vb target -oriented programming environment, Utilize the soft project principle, adopt the cycle method of the life to study , design the database form according to the relation mode of 3NF, resolve each systematic function module ring upon ring with module design, design systematic module structure, and according to concrete to demand and function that need realize of system, have defined the concrete function of each module in detail .
Develop two respects of main development including setting-up and maintenance and front application program of backstage supporter's database , have realized the establishment of student's achievement database and introduction of student's achievement, had a look around, maintaining and counting , is it have the characteristics that powerful , an interface is friendly systematically to make.
KEYWORD:The achievement is managed, soft project , VB,ACCESS
目 录
第一章 系统概述 4
1.1开发背景 4
1.2方案论证 5
1.3开发工具的选择 5
第二章 系统分析 11
2.1目标设计 11
2.2 系统功能分析及设计 12
第三章 数据库设计 14
3.1 ACCESS数据库简介 14
3.2 数据库设计 14
第四章 程序设计 17
4.1登录流程图及说明 17
4.2 主界面功能图及说明 18
4. 3学生流程图及功能说明 19
4. 4课程与成绩流程图 20
4. 5数据保存流程图及说明 21
4. 6课程管理功能图及说明 22
4. 7查询功能说明 22
结论和总结 23
致谢 24
参 考 文 献 25
附录:程序界面及代码 26
第一章 系统概述