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This article is in view of actual situation of scientific research project application, the small website design tasks. Its purpose is to make scientific research projects to implement systematic and scientific management, to ensure the successful completion of a research project, achievements, talents, benefit, improve the competitiveness. The operation of the traditional manual recording statistics can not meet the need of practical work, in order to improve the work efficiency, it is necessary for the implementation of computer management. The development and design of the scientific research project management system is a product of this era, the use of computer support management efficiency of scientific research projects completed declaration management. The system includes scientific research personnel management and the scientific research project management.
This system is under Windows XP environment, using B/S structure, using MySQL database development platform, using JSP (JAVA Server Pages) technology development. The design of this system from the function, is more complete, the system to the Web interface and administrator interaction, and provide information for administrators and accept its operation, at the same time to store information and data through database management system. The basic functions of the system: the basic function of data entry, modify, delete, query, statistics.
Keywords: MySQL; management system; JSP
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2.1.3²Ù×÷ÉϵĿÉÐÐÐÔ... 3
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2.2.1¹¦ÄÜÐèÇó... 3
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2.5Êý¾Ý¿âÉè¼Æ.... 7
2.5.1Êý¾Ý¿â¸ÅÄî½á¹¹Éè¼Æ... 7
2.5.2Êý¾Ý¿âÂß¼½á¹¹Éè¼Æ... 9
3.ϵͳÉè¼Æ. 11
3.1ϵͳÌåϵ½á¹¹... 11
3.2 ¿ª·¢Èí¼þ... 12
3.2.1 JSP¼¼Êõ... 12
3.2.2 Tomcat ·þÎñÆ÷... 13
3.2.3 MYSQL. 13
3.2.4 MyEclipse. 15
3.3ϵͳµÄÈíÓ²¼þƽ̨... 16
4.ϵͳ²Ù×÷ʵÏÖ. 16
4.1¹ÜÀí²Ù×÷... 16
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4.2.4ÉêÇë¼ÓÈëÌí¼ÓÒ³Ãæ... 29
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6.3Éè¼ÆÊÕ»ñÓëÐĵÃ... 34
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